💡 Content for engineering leaders

💡 Content for engineering leaders

To become an influential and successful leader, you must focus on multiple areas, not always technology-related. On this page, you can find all content ever published on Practical Engineering Management. Pick what you need the most at the moment, or open a few links randomly - I promise, each piece will help you become a better engineering leader.

The content is organized into four key categories:

  • How-Tos - actionable articles where I share some ideas on how to implement the most important concepts of engineering leadership.

  • Templates & Frameworks - materials that are ready to use in your work + some concepts and examples

  • Reflections - food for thoughts that will inspire you to see your work from a different angle.

  • One-bites - short articles with concepts that enrich your experience.

Templates & Frameworks


Series of Articles


One bites

PEM Blog

Here you can find long-form articles published on the Practical Engineering Management blog: